


Video, Duration 3.20 min.
Image and Sound Composition and Editing: George Lazoglou
Filming: Klitsa Antoniou
"There is no Place Like Home"
Michalis Cacoyannis Foundation,
Curated by Dr. Rafaella Siagkri


Homefront (2025) navigates the porous, shifting boundaries between the personal and the political, unraveling the complex and ever-evolving interplay between the private and public realms. It interrogates the conventional separation of these spheres, revealing their profound interconnection and fluidity. Within the sanctuary of a domestic space, Homefront exposes a concealed violence—an internal, explosive war that shatters the illusion of security. The sound of explosions fractures the stillness of the home, revealing the fragile promises of safety, ownership, and peace that once seemed unassailable. The home, a symbol of a sanctuary, is deconstructed through repetitive violence, laying bare the vulnerability that resides even in the most intimate spaces.
In the video, a woman, shown only from the knees down, moves through the house with a mine detector in her hands. Her actions signal an exploration of the instability that lies beneath the surface of domestic life, where sensuality, domestic labor, and political tensions collide. The female figure becomes both a site of contestation and a symbol of resistance, uncovering not just literal landmines, but the deeper emotional and political conflicts embedded in the private sphere. The title Homefront speaks of the dual nature of the work: a metaphor for the domestic realm as a battleground of internal struggles, and a reflection on the intrusion of external violence into the most sacred of spaces. The woman’s act of "demining" serves as both a literal and metaphoric unearthing of these concealed conflicts—acts of defiance against the forces that threaten the autonomy, safety, and identity of the home.

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