O human race, born to fly upward, wherefore at a little wind dost thou so fall?
Video Projection, yellow clothes , video monitors, metal beams
Sound Demetris Savva
Technological Design and video editing: George Lazoglou.
wanderlust / all passports’ exhibition
Curating and Conceptual Design Kostas Plapoglou
Schliemann -Melas Mansion in Athens
O human race, born to fly upward, wherefore at a little wind dost thou so fall?
The title of the Installation is inspired from a line in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, a literary masterpiece written between 1308 and 1320. The epic poem delves with the concept of an afterlife, as well as other subjects pertaining to verticality. Dante's principal narrative arci nvolves his progression through three separate phases: Inferno (representing hell), Purgatorio (symbolizing purgatory), and Paradiso (depicting heaven). The three phases are arranged vertically along the axis-mundi and correspond to the underground, surface, and sky, respectively, in the basic verticality narrative. The quote is spoken by a celestial entity in Canto XII of Purgatorio. Dante and Virgil are advancing from the first to the second circle of Purgatorio, while the angel explains that only a few are able to reach such an elevated position. The angel's portrayal of the human race as intrinsically predisposed to rise is fascinating, as it implies our innate predisposition towards vertical movement.
The work titled "O human race, born to fly upward, wherefore at a little wind dost thou so fall?" is being considered from this perspective. Departing from the notion of travel as a horizontal movement—that is, from merely going from one place to another—examines the idea of verticality. This shift results in a multisensory experience that enables spectators to precisely discern what is above and below, in terms of mythology, concepts, and physical reality, along with their associated variations. The video installation on the floor, depicts a walk, or a march of people wearing yellow clothes seen only from above. The video creates a feeling of repetition, anticipation and eager expectation.
The next part of the installation is characterized by some deliberate structural elements which support objects signifying ‘a
spatial battle’. A hundred metal beams are leaning against the wall, serving as supports for various yellow clothing such as shirts, dresses, and pants which resemble flags. The element of flight is underpinning the hanging method. Similarly, there are 10 monitors hanging against the wall among these garments. Each monitor displays a bird descending and ascending, The video explores the convergence of the tangible and poetic, depicting a bird as a character that descends, gracefully loses its stride, and then yields to the force of gravity.
The recurring falling gesture in the video remains constant and does not reach a resolution. The combination of these elements results in an intricate "landscape" that is reinforced by the concept of ascent and collision. Through the manipulation of the topic, one can identify an artistic gesture that allows for an awareness of the spatial surfaces. This, in turn, establishes a relationship between the ceiling and floor, and the associated actions of ascending and descending. The installation also explores the transience of fall as it determines individual trajectories, the creations of human struggle, and even the progression of societies.
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