Real Estate
Tall Tales Lovely Landmarks
Exhibit Gallery, London
Installation, 14 military barrels selected from “the Cyprus Green Line”
45 paper models of houses, polyester resin, paint
Dimensions variable
[…] Unlike modernist architecture, there is no cause and effect in the polymorphous forms that the artist creates. Instead, it is thought that becomes her main pre-occupation and which thought confuses our expectations, order and organisation. However, the artist does not replace order with disorder and disorganisation but with a meticulous re-ordering that inserts a hesitation and a pause within what we came to expect from a border and dividing line. Life returns once again to the ‘Dead Zone’ through movements that cannot be contained and asks to be released in order to endow the space to produce a spin off, a mutation into a new possibility that can endlessly reflect on numerous possibilities. It is exactly reflection that allows Antoniou’s work to create an in-between space. This is a space without boundaries which receives its form from the abject space of the dead zone and whose form is the outside of the identity of the others that constitute the enemy or the friend, in order to provide possibilities, realignments and openness as opposed to cohesion and unity and the intentions and identities of individuals or groups. This space is where identities can be undone and the binaries and dualisms that dominate Cypriot culture can be re-thought and contested. This space also allows the reconstitution of identities and the re-evaluation of what constitutes the other. As Elizabeth Grosz argues, ‘any identity is always riven with forces, with processes, connections, movements that exceed and transform identity and that connect individuals to each other and to worlds, in ways unforeseen by consciousness and unconnected to identity.’ (Architecture from the Outside, p.95) […]In many respects, the artist proposes a Deleuzian ‘in between space’: A space, which is at the intersection of two events or rather two series. The events / series that she represents are aligned in order to create a plane of consistence and coexistence. […] (Gabriel Koureas, Modernist Transgressions: Memory, Place and Identity, Tall Tales Lovely Landmarks, Exhibit Gallery)