The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories


The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories

four channel video projections [3’36’’, 6’.00’’, 9’40’’, 2’25’’], porcelain, metal, cardboard and wood, dimensions variable
installation production and editing: KilowArt International Productions
sound composition: Costas Cacoyiannis
soprano: Maria Papaioannou
The Butterfly Effect Exhibition
Curated by Kostas Prapoglou
Mouzakis Factory

The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories

The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories (2023) by Klitsa Antoniou is a four-video projection mapping on existing storage space surfaces. Investigating how minor events can result in major changes that have a great impact on society, the artist revisits the History of Women’s Rights Struggle to search those moments that designed the flow of events in history. On the 9th of July, 1848, five key members of the American women's suffrage movement met for tea in Waterloo, New York. The so-called ‘Tea Party’ became the start of an organised fight, demanding women’s equality and the right to vote thus giving birth to the Convention of Women’s Rights and The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions. For the next 72 years, women leaders lobbied, demonstrated, picketed, and protested for voting rights influencing other countries too. Being aware of the thousands of women workers in the Greek industries, the artist commemorates those long-lasting endeavours for better treatment and fairness. Observing different conditions and events that intervene and affect one another leading to new realities, Antoniou pronounces the importance of such circumstances in the process of reshaping our mental axes and the ways we move forward.

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The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories
The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories
The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories
The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories
The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories
The Declaration of Sentiments and Other Stories