The Sound of Time is not Tick Tock
Thessaloniki, Greece
Curated by Gabriel Koureas
Video Editing: Christos Andreou
Video Projection, sound, flashing Lights
Dimensions Variable
The Sound of Time is not Tick-Tock, a video projection with sound and flashing lights, digitally manipulates Ara Güler’s photographs that Pamuk uses in his book, producing an uncanny, un-homely effect that disorientates the viewer allowing him/her to enter the hermetically sealed space of the photograph in order to become the eye of the photographer and participate in constructing the moment in time that was captured in order to bring to live the stillness of the image and the memories associated with it. The flashing, erasing lights in between projections and the sounds that accompany them provide a reminder to the visitor of the traumatic history of the demise of the Ottoman Empire and work in a way similar to traumatic recall: they provide embodied glimpses to the past but never revealing the whole narrative. (Parallelotopias, Gabriel Koureas, Birkbeck College, University of London)